Shiju's RC Circuit Problem

Question: A charged capacitor C is connected in parallel with a time-varying resistor, R(t), at t = 0.

R(t) = R0(1 - t / T), for 0 < t < T, and 0 for t > T. Derive a formula for the voltage across C as a function of time.

Answer: v(t) = v0(1 - t / T) T / (R0 C) , for 0 < t < T, and 0 for t > T. If T = R0C, v(t) itself falls in a straight line.

As T/(R0C) becomes ≫ 1, or what is the same thing, R0C/T becomes ≪ 1, v(t)/v0, shown here in blue, becomes closer to et / (R0C), shown here in light grey. (Move the slider to change R0C / T.)

R0C / T:

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