Mondal T K

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Dr. Mondal. T K. Principal Research Scientist

email: tushar[at]
phone: +91-080-2293 3193

Academic Background:

  • Ph. D in (IISc )

Courses taught: 

  • Automatic system control engineering (IN 228)


  1. Perturbation of critical solution temperatures by impurity doping
    T K Mondal and E.S.R.Gopal,  
    Journal  of Thermal analysis,Vol.37(1991) 2613-2619, John Wiley & Sons, Limited, Chichester akademiai kiado, Budapest.
  2. Effect of selenium on  the   crystallization behavior of As Te glasses,
    S  S K  Titus,  S   Asokan, T  K  Mondal  and   E  S  R  Gopal,  Solid    State  Communications,  Vol 89, No 1, pp. 23-26, 1994, Printed in Great Britain
  3. An automated, externally heated opposed anvil high pressure high temperature  system
    for electrical  resistivity  studies, 
    T K Mondal,  S Murugavel  and  S Asokan, 
    Review   of    scientific   instruments,  Vol 70 Number 1, January 1999.
  4. Effect of pressure on the phase transition behavior of ammonium nitrate,
    T. K. Mondal,  N. C. Shivaprakash,  K. Rajanna…
    Physics and technology of high pressures  Vol 14, no 1 2004.

Papers published in the conference

  1. Effect of Temperature on the pressure induced semiconductor – metal transition in Al23 Te77  glasses, 
    T  K Mondal,  S Murugavel  and  S Asokan,
    National conference on high pressure  science and technology, 10 – 11 Oct 1994, Bangalore
  2. Development of a miniature pyrolytic pressure sensor up to 0.4 GPa 
    T. K. Mondal,   N.C. Shivaprakash  and  K. Rajanna,   S.Sujit,  M. M. Nayak .and A C Menon  National symposium on instrumentation, 31 Oct  -2 Nov , 2001, Dehradun ,India
  3. 3. The    effect   of   pressure   on   arsenic   telluride (As 55 Te 45) phase  transition,   
     T    K   Mondal, N C Shivaprakash    and   K  Rajanna,  AsCA’ 01,   Asian Crystallographic   Association   at   Indian   Institute of Science, 18-21 Nov, 2001, Bangalore, India
  4. An   automated    high    pressure    differential    thermal  analysis system for phase 
    transformation and other  studies,
    T K Mondal, N C Shivaprakash and K Rajanna,
    Advances in High Pressure Science and Technology, National Physical Laboratory,
    26- 30, Nov, 2001, New Delhi, India.
  5. Effect    of     pressure    on    the    phase  transition behavior of ammonium nitrate,
     T K Mondal,    N C  Shivaprakash    and  K Rajanna, 
    High  Pressures – Oct  2002   Conference in Ukraine. This paper is published in Physics and technology of high pressures 
  6. Effect of pressure and temperature on the crystallization behavior of As Te glasses with selenium,
    T K Mondal,
    XXI congress of the International Union of  Crystallography  , 23-31 Aug , 2008 Osaka, Japan.
  7. Thin film preparation, characterization and dielectric behavior of some yttrium doped strontium stannates used as gas sensor,    
    T K Mondal and K R Kannan,   National symposium on instrumentation (NSI-33) 8-10 December, 2008, Visakhapatnam.
  8. Real time data collection, control by PC and calculation of some parameters by mainframe computer   where the data transmitted and received through Ethernet connection,  T K Mondal and K Nagraj ,  National conference on Scientific Achievements of SC/ST Scientist and technologists (NCSCST), 22-24 April ,2009 National aeronautical laboratory, Bangalore.

Instruments developed: 

 1. An automated high pressure – high temperature system for electrical studies

2 A high pressure differential thermal analysis system.