Fortunate Molecules for Large PAR-shift
78. Aravinth S , Francesca C. Zanacchi and Partha P. Mondal, Fortunate molecules boost signal to background ratio and localization precision in correlation based single molecule localization microscopy, Comm. Biol. (Nature Publishing), 7, 1693 (2024).
First Multicolor Light Sheet Imaging Cytometry System
77. Prashant Kumar , Partha P. Mondal, Multicolor iLIFE (m-iLIFE) volume cytometry for high-throughput imaging of multiple organelles, Sci. Rep. (Nature Publishing) 14, 23798, 2024.
Multifunctional Light Sheet Imaging Cytometry
76. Prakash Joshi, Prashant Kumar and Partha P. Mondal, Fluorescence based Multifunctional Imaging Flow Cytometry for High-throughput Optical Interrogation of Live Cells, Comm. Phys. (Nature Publishing) 7, 25 2023.
First 3D Scanning Single Molecule Super-resolution Microscopy
75. J. Basumatary, and Partha P. Mondal, Scanning Single Molecule Localization Microscopy (scanSMLM) for Super-resolution Volume Imaging, Comm. Biol. (Nature Publishing) 6, 1050 (2023).
Temporally Resolved PAR-shifted SMLM
74. J. Basumatary, N. Baro, P. Joshi and Partha P. Mondal, Temporally resolved SMLM (with large PAR shift) enabled visualization of dynamic HA cluster formation and migration in a live cell, Sci. Rep. (Nature Publishing) 13, 12561, 2023.
First Light Sheet Optical Tweezer
73. Partha P. Mondal, N. Baro, A. Singh, P. Joshi and J. Basumatary, Lightsheet optical tweezer (LOT) for optical manipulation of microscopic particles and live cells, Sci. Rep. (Nature Publishing) 12, 10229 (2022).
Next Generation iLIFE System
72. P. Kumar, …., Partha P. Mondal, Light sheet based volume flow cytometry (VFC) for rapid volume reconstruction and parameter estimation on the go, Sci. Rep. (Nature Publishing) 12, 78 (2022).
World’s Fastest Light Sheet Volume Visualization System
71. J. Basumatary, …., Partha P. Mondal, Fluorescence based rapid optical volume screening system (OVSS) for interrogating multicellular organisms, Sci. Rep. (Nature Publishing) 11, 7616 (2021).
- 70. P. Joshi, Partha P. Mondal, Adaptable single molecule localization microscopy (aSMLM) for superresolution optical fluorescence imaging, Appl. Phys. Lett.,119, 173703 (2021).
- 69. Partha P. Mondal, A perspective on light sheet microscopy and imaging: Applications across the breadth of applied physics and biophysics, Appl. Phys. Lett.,119, 160502 (2021).
- 68. P. Joshi and Partha P. Mondal, Single-Molecule Clustering for Super-Resolution Optical Fluorescence Microscopy, Photonics,9, 7 2021.
Invention of World’s First Lightsheet Optical Tweezer (LOT)
67. Partha P. Mondal, Ankur Singh, Prakash Joshi, Jigmi Basumatary, Neptune Baro, Lightsheet Optical Tweezer (LOT) for Optical Manipulation of Microscopic Particles and Live Cells, BioRxiv, 2021.
Ultra-Superresolution POSSIBLE Microscopy (Single Molecule Physics)
66. Partha P. Mondal,Probabilistic Optically-Selective Single-Molecule Imaging Based Localization Encoded (POSSIBLE) microscopy for Ultra-Superresolution Imaging,PloS One, 15, e0242452 (2020).
World’s First Lightsheet Nanolithography Technique – iCLASS
65. Kavya Mohan and Partha P. Mondal, Experimental Realization of Sub-micron Patterning Using Counter-propagating Interfering Lightsheets (iCLASS), OSA Continuum, 2020.
ArXiv Article Kavya Mohan, Partha Pratim Mondal, Interfering Coherent Lightsheets Assisted Structure Synthesis (iCLASS) Technique for Nanofabrication, ArXiv, 27 Aug., 2018.
64. Kavya Mohan, Ayush Tyagi, and Partha P. Mondal, Multi-sheet light enables optical interference lithography, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 066106 (2018).
First Imaging Cytometry System for Whole Organism High-Throughput Screening
63. [Editor’s Choice, Appl. Phys. Lett.] R. K. Chelur, S. Padmanabhan, K. Shirlekar, K. Rajan, R. Manjithaya, V. Singh and Partha P. Mondal, Integrated Light-sheet imaging and flow-based enquiry (iLIFE) system for 3D in-vivo imaging of multicellular organism, Appl. Phys. Lett., 111, (2017).
Super-resolution Volume Imaging : SMILE Microscopy
62. [SMILE-TIRF] Partha P. Mondal and Samuel T. Hess, Total internal reflection fluorescence based multiplane localization microscopy enables super-resolved volume imaging, App. Phys. Lett. 110, 211102 (2017).
[ ArXiv: Partha P. Mondal, SMILE Microscopy : fast and single-plane based super-resolution volume imaging, arXiv:1608.00542v2, 2016 || https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.00542
61. [SMILE-Widefield] Partha P. Mondal, Simultaneous multiplane imaging-based localization encoded (SMILE) microscopy for super-resolution volume imaging, Micros. Res. Tech. 80, 333 (2017).
- 60. K. Mohan and Partha P. Mondal, Light sheet based lithography technique for patterning an array of microfluidic channel, Micros. Res. Tech., 2016.
58. Chelur K. Rasmi, Mani Madhangi, Upendra Nongthomba and Partha P. Mondal, Curtailed light sheet microscopy for rapid imaging of macroscopic biological specimens, Micros. Res. Tech. 79, 455 (2016).
First Light-Sheet Based Nanolithography Technology
21. Partha P. Mondal, Multi-Focal Multiphoton Excitation Fluorescence Microscopy,Rev. Sci. Instrum., 80, 096104 (2009).
20. Partha P. Mondal, Paolo Bianchini, Zeno Lavagnino and A. Diaspro, Photobleaching Minimization in Single- and Multi- Photon Fluorescence Imaging, Chapter 8 in Nanoscopy and Mutidimensional Optical Fluorescence Microscopy, edited by Alberto Diaspro, CRC. (27 pages), 2009.
19. Partha P. Mondal, Richard J. Gilbert and Peter T. C. So, Multi-photon Induced Cubic-to-Quartet Intensity Dependent Transition of Anti-Stoke Raman Signal, Applied Physics Letters, 94, 103901 (2009).
18. Partha P. Mondal, Richard J. Gilbert and Peter T. C. So, Plasmon Enhanced Fluorescence Microscopy Below Quantum Noise Limit With Reduced Photobleaching Effect”, Applied Physics letters , 93, 093901 (2008).
17. Partha P. Mondal, Minimizing photobleaching in fluorescence microscopy by depleting triplet states, Applied Physics Letters, 92, 013902 (2008).
16. Partha P. Mondal, and A. Diaspro, Lateral resolution improvement in two-photon excitation microscopy by aperture engineering, Optics Communication, 281, 1855 (2008).
15. Partha P. Mondal, and A. Diaspro, Electric field allowed molecular transitions for one and two photon excitation microscopy, European Biophysical Journal (Biophysics Letters), 2008.
14. Partha P. Mondal, G. Vicidomini and A. Diaspro, Image reconstruction for multi-photon fluorescence microscopy, Applied Physics Letters, 92, 103902 (2008).
13. F. Cella, E. Ronzitti, G. Vicidomini, Partha P. Mondal, and A. Diaspro, Studying the illumination puzzle towards an isotropic increase of optical resolution, Proc. SPIE, 6861, 686112 (2008).
12. D. Mazza, P. Bianchinni, V. Caorsi, F. Cella, Partha P. Mondal, E. Ronzitti, I. Testa, G. Vicidomini and A. Diaspro, Biophotonics Book, Chapter 4, 47 (2008).
11. Partha P. Mondal, and A. Diaspro, Reduction of Higher Order Photobleaching in Two Photon Excitation Microscopy, Physical Review E 75, 061904 (2007) .
10. Partha P. Mondal, Giuseppe Vicidomini and A. Diaspro, Markov Random Field Aided Bayesian Approach for Image Reconstruction in confocal microscopy, Journal of Applied Physics, 102, 044701 (2007).
9. G. Vicidomini. Partha P. Mondal, and A. Diaspro, Soft computing approach to confocal and two-photon excitation microscopy, Proc. SPIE 6443, 644319 (2007).
8. G. Vicidomini. Partha P. Mondal,and A. Diaspro, Fuzzy Logic and maximum a-posteriori based image restoration for confocal microscopy, Optics Letters, Vol.31, N0. 24, pp. 3582-3584, 2006.
7. Partha P. Mondal, and K. Rajan, Diffusion Driven Reconstruction for Positron Emission Tomography, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 89, pp. 193901, 2006.
6. Partha P. Mondal, Positron emission tomographic map reconstruction using fuzz-median filter, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 89, pp. 153903, 2006.
5. Partha P. Mondal, K. Rajan and I. Ahmed, A New Filter for Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing, Journal of Optical Society of America A, Vol. 23, No. 7, pp. 1678-1686, 2006.
4. Ragunathan Padmashri, Archan Ganguly, Partha P. Mondal, K. Rajan, and S. K. Sikdar, Kynurenate treatment of autaptic hippocampal microcultures affect localized voltage-dependent calcium diffusion in the dendrites, Cell Calcium, vol. 39, pp. 247-258, 2006.
3. Partha P. Mondal, and K. Rajan, Fuzzy Rule based Image Reconstruction for Positron Emission Tomography, Journal of Optical Society of America A,Vol.22, No.9, pp. 1763-1771, 2005.
2. || COVERPAGE Article|| Partha P. Mondal and K. Rajan, Neural Network Based Image Reconstruction for Positron Emission Tomography, Applied Optics, OSA, Vol.44, No.30, pp. 6345-6352, 20 Oct., 2005.
1. Partha P. Mondal and K. Rajan, Image Reconstruction by Conditional Entropy Maximization for Positron Emission Tomography, IEE Vision, Image and Signal processing, vol.151, No.5, pp.345-352, 2004.