Research Interest:

  • Dielectric metasurfaces
  • Active metasurface
  • Liquid plasmonics
  • Energy harvesting
  • Sensors






Research Positions Available

We are looking for outstanding and highly motivated people willing to work on challenging scientific projects, in a serious but also friendly, very cooperative and team-work oriented environment. We look for candidates who are enthusiastic, motivated, creative and independent, with an attitude for critical thinking. The applicant's background should show familiarity with scientific computing, numerical, experimental and processing methods, and their applications to material science, chemistry or physics. We are open to consider diverse scientific backgrounds at the doctoral level, while hiring at the post-doctoral level tends to be more focused. If we are convinced by the motivation and high quality of a candidate, we may generate a corresponding Ph.D. or postdoc position. Please send spontaneous applications to tapajyoti@iisc.ac.in, even if there is no current opening suitable for you. Few topics that might be of interest are:

  • Active metasurface
  • Stretchable Electronics
  • Additive manufacturing process

Hiring is done on a rolling basis. Specific openings will be posted here, but general inquiries are also welcome. We like to give proper consideration to each serious candidature, but in order to do so we need to quickly sift through the many mass-applications that we receive and that have no connection with individual projects or the general research program of the laboratory. Please consider that in order to perform a preliminary screening, all the inquiries that do not follow the guidelines mentioned below might be silently ignored.

Applications can be sent to tapajyoti@iisc.ac.in and should contain:
  • a full CV including publication list, and a full transcript of marks for JRF candidates,
  • two reference letters, or contact information of two references,

If you are willing to go the extra mile, and show you are really interested in the job, you can also include

  • a cover letter(no more than a page) explaining why you would like to work at LANSPE and how your profile fits our research program, or the requirements of a specific job opening.

Applications that do not comply with these prescriptions may be silently ignored.

Ph.D. applicants should consider that they also have to enroll and be selected for the Ph.D. program in the Department of Instrumentation and Applied Physics. Instructions can be found in the IISc. website. For post-Doc candidates, please have a look at the Raman Post-Doc fellowship of the institute and NPDF program of the Department of Science and Technology.