Research Interest
Dr. Shivakumar Sastry’s interests are in the broad areas of,
- Networked Embedded Systems
- Systems Engineering,
- Visualization and AI Systems
- AR VR Systems
Biographical Sketch
- Dr. Shivakumar Sastry is currently Visiting Professor with the Department of Instrumentation and Applied Physics.
- He serves as a Senior Advisor to the Center for Development of Advanced Computing, Bengaluru.
- He is an Emeritus Professor at The University of Akron, OH, USA where he was Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Director of Strategic Initiatives.
- Prior to Akron, he was a Senior Research Scientist with Rockwell Automation and Member of the Information Management and Knowledge-based Systems Advanced Technology groups at Xerox Corporation in the USA.
- Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering and Science from Case Western Reserve University
- Master’s degrees in computer science from University of Central Florida and in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science.