Courses Offered

The following courses are being offered in the IAP Department. More details about the courses can be found in the Scheme of Instruction document. Individual course instructors have also sent out campus bulletin about the details of the respective courses. Kindly refer to that for more details.

Courses in Aug -Dec semester 2024

IN 201Analytical InstrumentationProf. Manukumara Manjappa,
Prof. Asokan Sundararajan
LH1M/W – 17:00 -18:30
IN 203Micro to Quantum Supercapacitor DevicesProf. Abha MisraLH2Tu/Th – 10:00 -11:30
IN 214Semiconductor Devices and CircuitsProf. Sanjiv SambandanLH1M/W – 10:30 -12:00
IN 221Sensors and TransducersMulti-faculty ( IAP+CPDM)LH1M/W/F- 12:00 -13:00
IN 227Control System DesignProf. Jayanth G RLH1Tu/Th: 10:00 -11:30
IN 232Concepts in Solid State PhysicsProf. Chandni U,
Prof. Tapajyoti Das Gupta
LH1Tu/Th: 8:30 -10:00
IN 270Digital Signal ProcessingProf. Jaya PrakashLH1Tu/Th: 15:30 -17:00
IN 277Instrumentation Electronics LaboratoryProf. Atanu MohantyLH2Tu/Th: 11:30 -13:00
IN 280Optical InstrumentationProf. Sai Siva GorthiLH1Tu/Th: 17:00 -18:30

Courses in Jan-May semester 2025

IN 222Sensors and Transducers LaboratoryProf. Atanu Mohanty,
Prof. G R Jayanth
 LH2MWF 12:00 -13:00,
IN 234Biomedical Optics and SpectroscopyProf. Jaya Prakash LH2Tu/Th 14:00-15:30
IN 252Optical MaterialsProf. Tapajyoti Dasgupta LH2MWF 9:00-10:00
IN 278Introduction to Embedded SystemsProf. Shiva Sastry (Adj Faculty) LH2Tu/Th 10:00-11:30,
IN 279RF networks and SystemsDr. Rupa Gopinath (Adj Faculty) LH1F 10:00-13:00,
IN 303Concepts in Terahertz communicationProf. Manukumara Manjappa LH2 Tu/Th 17:00-18:30,
IN 3322 D materialsProf. Chandni Usha LH2 Tu/Th 11:30-13:00,
QT 202Introduction to Quantum MeasurementProf. Baladitya Suri LH1 Tu/Th 15:30-17:00,
QT 204Introduction to Quantum MaterialsProf. Dhavala SuriIDR,
 M/W 14:00-15:30,

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