Engage with IAP

The Department of Instrumentation and Applied Physics (IAP) is an interdisciplinary department positioned at the intersection of science and engineering. Faculty at IAP work in the areas of Solid state physics, Electronics, Optics and Quantum. The Department offers Ph.D. and M.Tech. research degree programs, and a 2 year M.Tech course program.

As a growing department in emerging disciplines, IAP welcomes sponsorship opportunities from industry and philanthropists either through their Departmental Initiative or through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). These fellowships will support the academic and research activities of the department in various ways, attracting quality faculty, encouraging stronger emphasis on areas of mutual technical interest, motivating activities for sustained collaboration, and eventually training their future workforce.

Specific opportunities for sponsored sponsorships are listed below. In addition, we also invite other forms of faculty and student grants, research and travel grants, soft-grants of computing and software resource, and traditional funding of consultancy with individual faculty of IAP. You may contact, Chair of the IAP department, for more details.

Named Scholarships

  • M.Tech. Scholarship: This named student scholarship supports the stipend and overheads for a single M.Tech. student for a period of 2 years. The student will spend 1 summer (3 months in May-July) with the sponsoring company working on technical topics that may eventually feed into their project or thesis topic. There is a possibility of working on a dissertation (duration of 12 months) topic that is relevant to the sponsoring company based on mutual consent between the student and sponsoring company. This is an annual sponsorship for each admissions cycle. 
  • Doctoral Scholarship: This named doctoral scholarship supports the stipend and overheads for a single Ph.D. student for a period of 5 years. The student will spend total of six-nine months during summer (3 months in May-July) with the sponsoring company working on technical topics that may eventually feed into their project or thesis topic. This is an annual sponsorship for each admissions cycle.
  • Women in Science and Engineering Scholarship: This is similar to the M.Tech. student scholarship above but supports the recruitment of female students into Instrumentation and Applied Physics Department to enhance the diversity of the program. 
  • Post-doctoral Fellowship: This named post-doctoral fellowship will help recruit and competitively pay for a post-doc researcher for two years to work on a research area of mutual interest to a IAP faculty and the sponsor.

Named Sponsorships

  • Degree Medal: This named medal recognizes the best performing graduating student each year, based on academics and/or research outcomes. Students receive a medal and a cash award. 
  • Travel Fund: Attending international technical conferences is a part of a student’s research activity and academic growth. This named travel fund will support the registration and travel of IAP students to reputed conferences where they have papers accepted. Focus areas for the relevant conferences may optionally be specified by the sponsor. 
  • Infrastructure Fund: Funds for purchase of large infrastructure and research equipment, to support teaching and research are invited
  • Annual Distinguished LectureThis fund will help support the travel, stay and honorarium for a distinguished international scientist on computational or data sciences to deliver an annual named lecture, and interact with the IAP members and the sponsor during their visit. 
  • Faculty Chairships: This named chairship will help attract new faculty or support existing faculty on specific research areas of interest to the sponsor by providing a top-up salary or research funds that make IAP globally competitive on compensation. The chairship will be for a 3 year period. One-time sponsorship amounts for these perpetual named-chairships, depending on the recruitment level, are:
    • Young Investigator (Assistant Professor, 2 years): Rs. 1,05,00,000 (U.S. $150K)
    • Mid-level Chair (Associate Professor, 3 years): Rs. 2,10,00,000 (U.S. $300K)
    • Distinguished Chair (Full Professor, 3 years):  Rs. 4,20,00,000 (U.S. $600K)

    Note: The Institute will seek council approval before making these effective. All amounts have to be paid upfront

Industry collaborations

Industry collaborations increase the visibility of the company among student communities. These activities allows students to experience Latest Technologies in practice, making them an equipped work force. Companies in turn can asses their relevance and areas of improvement.

Industry Collaboration is a Key aspect in our Academic process. Integrating theoretical knowledge with current practical methods eventually to drive innovation. We are exploring new applications of physics in emerging fields like Materials science, Photonics, and Biomedical with preference to activities of social Impact.

ATOS, DRDO, Keysight, Edmund Optics, are our notable sponsors. The Department recently built an Auditorium in Collaboration by Hind High Vacuum (HHV) for the betterment of student activities.

The Department is open to Collaborations and Sponsorships towards Academic or Research Events. Contact the Chair of IAP department, for more details or Email: outreach.iap@iisc.ac.in